Learning Elementary Mathematics has finally come to an end however, the journey to pursue more insights to deepen the content on the subject matter continues.
The three things that I have learnt during these 6 days:
1. Language and mathematical instructions
As teachers equip themselves with enough content knowledge to guide the children acccordingly, they have to be aware of the importance of giving explicit instructions. Mathematical verbs such as compare, divide and subtract give children a better usage of the terms as they experience with the various mathematical activities. The incorrect usage of the words "less" and "lesser" was also highlighted to ensure such mistakes should be avoided.
2. Dienes Zolton theory of variability
The choice of materials and examples plan for the activities is carefully and purposefully selected to give children with variations in the tasks.
3. Four critical questions in planning a lesson
The following questions guide a teacher as she plans her activities:
a) What is it that I want the children to learn?
b) How do I know children have learn?
c) What do I do if I have struggling children?
d) What do I do if I have advance children?
These are the two questions I wish to ask:
1. Is it incorrect for teachers to use the term "oblong" in replacement of "rectangle"?
2. How do I ensure that a child is able to conceptualize the number sense?
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